Cinnabon Cinnamon Crunch Cereal

cinnaboncerealI always drool over the Cinnabon stand when I pass through the mall. It is especially hard to resist when they bring a new batch out fresh from the oven. Luckily, just thinking about it being 800 calories is quite a turn off for me. Even if I split it with someone, that is still 400 calories which is a small meal for me. When I first saw this Cinnabon Cinnamon Crunch cereal, like many, I thought it must be JUST as unhealthy, but after reading many reviews of this, I gave it a try. For a cereal, this is not too bad. One cup (not the usual 3/4 cup) is 150 calories, 1.5 grams of fat, 3 grams of fiber, 10 grams of sugar and 3 grams of protein. Best of all, it is sodium free and has 20 grams of whole grains per serving. Like most cereals, I eat them dry, but I’m sure it will be better in milk because the cereal itself is a little hard. These are very snackable and the unique Makara Cinnamon in these reminds me of the Cinnabon cinnamon roll I once had a LONG time ago. Can you believe that I’ve only had Cinnabon once in my entire life? The sugar in this cereal is from turbinado brown sugar, fruit juice concentrate and honey, so no high fructose corn syrup. For all you Cinnamon Puffins lovers out there, how does this Cinnabon Cinnamon cereal compare? Personally, I like
the cinnamon flavor in this cereal a lot better.

Retails: $3.49 (??) at Fresh & Easy
My Cost: $1.99 on sale
Calories: 150 per 1 cup
WW: 2


Filed under Breakfast, Cereal, Fresh & Easy, WW: 2

7 responses to “Cinnabon Cinnamon Crunch Cereal

  1. Oh I have tried this, it is pretty good! I found it at Costco! =D

  2. thakns for the review! i’ve heard of these and have wanted to try them! thats quite a decent amount of fiber.
    their cinnamon buns are seriously soooo good! my good god :) hehehe xoxoxo

  3. I’m the same way with Cinnabon. It always smells so good. I must try this cereal. I’m going to try to get some..!

  4. Aaron

    Word to the wise, if you have sensitive, or just don’t enjoy a lot of crunching, you might want to pass this one up. This cereal is HARD. Aside from that, I found it tasty, and it definitely is a unique cinnamon-y taste, so it’s worth a shot if you don’t mind one heck of a crunch. This cereal is usually on sale at Fresh & Easy too.

  5. rob

    Wow! I see someone found it at costco. I bought like 10 packageds for 99c on sale at fresh n easy before I left Vegas. Now I am enjhoing the final box,,,trying to find where else it might be sold..oh i will miss this cereal ;(

  6. i LOVE this cereal. i think the cinnamon is much better as well. it is a bit hard, but i really enjoy the hardness of the cereal. i know a lot of people complain about it. the taste is reminiscent of what i remember a cinnabon to be, which is recalled from AGES ago :p

  7. NS

    I’m trying it for the first time as I write this. I just found this website, too . Cereal is not bad. Very crunchy. I like cinnamon, but it’s a little too cinnamony for me. I bought a box for $.99 at Fresh and Easy last night. Rob, go get your cereal!

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